There are tons of diet plans out there geared to not only help you lose weight, but to help with underlying health conditions, like high blood pressure or even diabetes. However, for those who are looking for a diet plan that has shown to be great with weight loss, they may want to look at the rice diet.
The rice diet was started as a way to treat heart disease and hypertension, however, it also aids in weight loss. With this plan, you eat rice and fresh fruits and vegetables. Every day you get a serving of starch, nonfat dairy, fruits and vegetables. Then it has phases in terms of how many calories that you can eat, starting with 800 a day and gradually increasing to 1200 per day.
Due to the way that the rice diet works, it is considered a high effort diet to stick to. However, sticking to this diet can help you lose weight. Studies found that when coupled with an exercise routine, this diet does help you to lose weight since you are taking in less calories and foods that are healthier for you.
For those who want to give the rice diet a try, here is a sample plan of what you would eat:
Breakfast Ideas:
Lunch Ideas:
Dinner Ideas:
Photo by Kalyani Akella on Unsplash
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