There are many people who go on strict diets and who are working out steadily, yet they find that they are not losing weight. When this is the case, they often say I can’t lose weight or they wonder what is happening. However, it is important to note that for those who are doing everything they should they may not be losing weight according to their scale. Many times, the fat is being replaced with muscle. So, while you may not be seeing any pounds dropped, you are still getting healthier.
In situations in which there is no weight loss happening, there could be several issues playing out. If you find that you are not gaining muscle or losing fat, then that is when you need to consider why you can’t lose no matter what you do. In many cases, it is small little things that you are doing, often without even realizing the damage that you could be doing that is causing you to not lose weight.
If you are doing everything right and still not losing weight, then take a closer look at what you are doing. It could be one of these aspects are in play and you may not even realize how you could be jeopardizing your own weight loss.
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