11 December 2019

30 Day Ab and Arm Challenge

If you’ve got an important event coming up, you might be looking for a way to get those sexy abs that you see plastered over magazine covers across the globe. And maybe you’re also looking to obtain toned and defined arms. In order to give yourself the best chance of getting there effectively and efficiently, you’ll firstly need to ensure that you’re following a healthy, balanced diet and paying attention to your calorie intake, so that you’re not consuming more calories than your body needs to either burn fat, or maintain your current weight - depending on your fitness goal.

Once you’ve got your diet sorted, then a 30 day ab and arm challenge can be the way forward, particularly if you’re coming up to the final month before your special occasion arrives. By remaining consistent and following an ab workout, you can actually obtain pretty good results.

It’s also important to remember that you shouldn’t overdo it or do too much too soon. When you take on an arm or ab challenge, you need to allow your body time to recover effectively. You may think that more is better when it comes to performing repetitions. But, that definitely isn’t the case. So, make sure you start with a low number of repetitions and gradually work your way up from there.

Abs exercises and reps

If you’re looking for the best 30 day ab challenge, then a fantastic way to achieve the sculpted abs you desire is to mix things up a bit in terms of the exercises you perform. What’s meant by this is you need to make sure you’re hitting all areas within your abs so that you don’t neglect a certain area. For example, you can perform regular crunches or sit ups – both popular options which target the midsection, although sit ups even work the hip flexors too. However, you should also pay attention to the side of your abs too. That way, you might just be able to obtain the much-desired and sexy ‘V-Cut’ abs.

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In order to obtain optimal results, it’s a good idea to start with a low number of reps such as 10 per exercise – choosing different abs moves to target each area of your midsection. As each day progresses, you can increase the amount of reps you do, and even introduce different exercises the more advanced you become.

Remember, it’s always important to perform abs exercises with a full range of motion when taking part in a flat abs challenge – making sure that you pay close attention to your form with each rep you execute. By doing so, you can obtain the results you were looking for while avoiding any potential injuries due to incorrect execution of a particular abs exercise.

Arm exercises and reps

If you’re in search of exercises for flabby arms and would like to tone up and strengthen them, then here’s some great options for you, both of which require no equipment so you can even do them from the comfort of your own home!

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  • Push Ups – this isn’t just an exercise for the chest, it also works the arms and shoulders too – all without the need for any weights! Tip: the closer your hands are to each other, the more you’ll target your triceps. Beginners can even perform the movement with their knees on the floor until they become more advanced.
  • Tricep Dips – an effective arm exercise which helps to build and tone muscle in the triceps. You’ll be lifting your entire bodyweight. So, this can really help get rid of your flabby arms when you perform this exercise regularly.

Essentially, you’ll start off by performing 3 sets of 10 repetitions of push ups, following by 3 sets of 10 repetitions of tricep dips. As you progress, simply increase the amount of reps you perform of each exercise by 5-10 repetitions, or simply add in an extra set!

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