22 May 2020

How to Improve Your Workout: Our Tips

How to Improve Your Workout: Our Tips

When you workout, it sometimes isn’t enough to hit the gym and go through the routine. Sometimes, you need to do a few things to make the most of your workout. After all, if you are going to put in the time to workout, be sure that it is benefiting your body. With that being said, we have a few tips on how to improve your workout that your body will thank us for later.

Warm-up Before Working Out

Never start working out without warming up! This is a recipe for disaster. Those who workout without warming up may find that they are increasing their chances of tearing a muscle or suffering some other injury. Your body needs to be warmed up in order to take on the task of the workout ahead. Consider this analogy: would you stick a frozen pizza into the oven without warming the oven? While you can, it takes longer for the pizza to cook and many times you may have super brown edges with a middle that is still frozen. Warming up is your bodies way of getting ready to accept and benefit from the workout.

Avoid Higher-Fat Meals Before Exercising

While many people believe in a before exercise meal, it should never be something that is high fat. Why is this? For one, this is going to zap your energy. It is not going to help you get through the workout at all. In fact, it may have the opposite effect. For many people, when the higher fat is ate before a workout they start to fee lethargic and do not finish their workout. Plus, they often feel sick due to the high fat meal. Instead, opt for some complex or simple carbs for your meal to give you energy during your workout.

Play Music

There is nothing worse than working out and paying attention to every time your foot hits the treadmill or every rep that you do with the weights. Instead, play music to ensure that you are not just counting down the minutes of when your workout will be done. Instead, you will be listening to the music. You will find that this can make your workout go by faster and you may even enjoy it more. Just make yourself a playlist of upbeat and favorite tunes that are sure to keep you working out!

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