Cali-what? Sounding more like something you might study at college than sweat over in a gym, calisthenics has actually been a hot buzz word in certain exercise circles for some time now. This article explains what calisthenics is and even gives you some tips to get started on your very own calisthenics workout in the comfort of your own home.
Time for the dictionary definition. Calisthenics comes from the Greek words, kalos and sthenos, meaning beauty and strength. The Greeks were pretty keen on admiring the perfection of the human form, as many an ancient statue will attest.
In terms of your workout, calisthenics refers to a workout that builds real muscle strength and tone using only the weight of your own body for resistance. That’s right, no dumbbells, kettlebells, or machines in sight.
Chances are, you will already be familiar with several of the following moves. The key is to build them into a routine to work all the muscles of the body. To create your very own calisthenics workout, pick four to six exercises, and repeat each of them eight to ten times. Try to repeat the whole cycle of exercises and reps at least twice, building up to four cycles over time. As you get stronger, you will find you are able to hold positions for longer or complete more repetitions, and even add new and more challenging exercises to your repertoire!
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