30 November 2020

How to Prevent and Reduce Cellulite

Cellulite affects 80-90% of women, so it’s quite a common phenomenon. Men, too, can have them but under rare circumstances (more on that later).

Cellulite manifestation is purely a cosmetic issue and poses no medical risks. Nevertheless, almost everyone would love to have flawless, tight-looking thighs.

No wonder the internet is filled with all sorts of materials that promise to get rid of cellulite. Talk of supplements and exercise routines. So, how do they form and does working out get rid of cellulite? We’ll see.

What Causes Cellulite?

Cellulite appears when the fatty tissue under the skin pushes in between the cartilage (septae) that tether your skin to the muscles. The two oppose each other – the bands anchor the skin while the fats try to push through, forming cellulite. But, why not as much in men?

Fat is not stored the same way in both sexes. In women, fatty tissues in the thighs are stored in little columns. When the skin thins and the fatty tissues pucker out with age, cellulite begins to manifest.

On the flip side, in men, the bands that anchor connective tissue are arranged in a zigzag fashion. However, hormones may influence cellulite formation in men. For instance, when an individual has a short supply of male sex hormones or when they are on hormone-suppression medication, as is the case with prostate cancer therapy.

Now, sex and hormonal factors aside, cellulite might also result from (or get exaggerated by) genetics, lifestyle, and inflammatory factors.

Does Working Out Get Rid of Cellulite?

Unfortunately not. It may reduce them, though. Exercise that stiffens and tones muscles while tightening your skin might help cellulite show less.

However, working out to lose weight alone could bring about lax skin and cause cellulite to manifest more.

How to Prevent Cellulite

You must be wondering how cellulite can be prevented. Genetics and sex are a tough sale, but you can always make lifestyle changes, for example, by eating healthy and working out. Avoiding alcohol and smokes is not a bad idea either.

How to Reduce Cellulite

Much like prevention, the first step to reducing cellulite is maintaining a healthy lifestyle. As we have seen, the right workout routine and proper diet may help reduce the severity of those cottage-cheese ripples. Remember, cellulite is more of a structural issue underneath the skin. That is why they hardly disappear entirely but only fade a little.

A more aggressive approach would be cosmetic surgery to rearrange the cartilage under your skin, in which case you stand a chance to get rid of them. It would be costly but doable.


  • Cellulite affects almost all women at some point and is more common in women than men.
  • Exercise cannot get rid of cellulite but is great for reducing or preventing them.
  • Lifestyle changes can help prevent or minimize cellulite.

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