13 April 2019

At-home cardio workout for men to burn fat

Do you want to improve your health and burn fat, all within the comfort of your own home? Though it might be common to spend time and money going to and from the gym, you don’t need to go to the gym or even outside for a run to get an effective cardio workout in. And even better, you don’t have pencil in an hour for exercise. If you follow tailored workouts that really pack a punch, you can complete one within 30 minutes!

Let’s go on to learn some cardio exercises and workouts that men can do at home, anytime, anywhere.

Cardio exercises for men at home

Swinging High Kicks

Muscles Involved: Abdominals, Glutes, Hamstrings

How To:

  1. First, position both of your feet shoulder width apart while standing upright.
  2. Raising one leg, while keeping it straight extend it behind you while allowing yourself to bend at the waist.
  3. Kick the raised leg forward as far as you can without allowing it to bend at the knee.
  4. Bring your leg back down to a standing position with your feet shoulder width apart.
  5. Complete subsequent reps starting from step 2, alternate legs.

High Knees

Muscles Involved: Abdominals, Calves

How To:

  1. First, position both of your feet shoulder width apart while standing upright.
  2. Raise one leg in front of you while bending it and preventing motion in your torso.
  3. Bring your leg back down to a standing position with your feet shoulder width apart.
  4. Complete subsequent reps starting from step 2, alternate legs.

Mountain Climbers

Muscles Involved: Abdominals

How To:

  1. Begin by entering a push-up position, keeping your arms in line with your shoulders, and legs fully extended.
  2. Inhale and draw one knee up towards your abdomen while bending it and not allowing your torso or other leg to rotate.
  3. Exhale and extend that leg returning to its starting position.
  4. Complete subsequent reps starting from step 2.

Note: It is crucial to keep your core stable while doing mountain climbers so that you get the main benefit of the workout and protect your back.

Jumping Lunges

Muscles Involved: Calves, Glutes, Hamstrings, Quadriceps

  1. First, stand with feet shoulder width apart and arms extended by your sides.
  2. Jump while bringing one leg directly in front of you and extending the other leg directly behind you.
  3. Lower your body while maintaining an erect torso by bending your forward knee and lowering your back knee until it almost comes in contact with the ground.
  4. Pushing through your forward leg with as much power as you can, jump.
  5. Land the jump by returning to the starting position and slightly bending your knees.
  6. Complete subsequent reps starting from step 2, alternating legs.

Lateral Jumps

Muscles Involved: Calves, Glutes, Hamstrings, Hip Adductors, Quadriceps

  1. First, stand upright with feet wider than shoulder width apart.
  2. Bend one of your knees, pointing the toes of that leg outward.
  3. Lean your torso laterally in the direction of your bent leg.
  4. Push through the foot of your bent leg while extending your leg to jump in the opposite direction.
  5. While in mid-air bend at the knee of the leg you pushed off with and bring it behind your body.
  6. Prepare to land with the opposite leg.

Start working out

Cardio Workouts for Men at Home

Now that we have gone over a few exercises that are great for cardio, here are a couple effective at home cardio workouts that will have you really work up a sweat.

Simple Cardio Workout at home for men

Start with a warm-up.


  • Swinging High Kicks – 30X (15 per leg)
  • Rest – 30 seconds
  • Abdominal Cocoons – 15X
  • Rest – 30 seconds
  • Bicycles – 30X (15 per side)
  • Rest – 30 seconds
  • High Knees – 30x (15 per leg)
  • Rest – 30 seconds
  • Crunches - 15X
  • Rest – 30 seconds

Complete the circuit a total of 3 times. Do each circuit as intensely as you can. Be sure to do a cool down and stretch afterwards.

Men's Cardio Workout at home

HIIT workout, which gets your heart rate up quickly and burns more calories, is a great cardio exercise for men and women. Here's an example of a workout you can do at home.

Start with a warm-up.

Repeat this cardio circuit at high intensity for as many times as you can in 20 minutes.

  • Plank Jacks – 15X
  • Bench Dips – 15X
  • Glute Kickbacks – 30X (15 per leg)
  • Lateral Jumps – 20X (10 per side)
  • Lying Leg Raises – 15X
  • Reverse Flutter Kicks – 30X (15 per side)
  • Plank – 1’0”

Be sure to do a cool down and stretch afterwards.

If you try out some of these exercises or workout routines, you will be well on your to shedding fat and toning your body. Download the 30 Day Fitness Challenge app to find other cardio workouts for men at home!

Keep in mind that to effectively burn fat, fitness is one part of the equation. It is also important to eat a clean and healthy diet so that you have the proper energy to support your body before, through, and after the workouts.

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