When it comes to weight loss, you are going to find that there are several supplements and foods that people are encouraged to eat in order to lose weight. One of those items is green tea. Green tea has been widely used for years to help with weight loss. But, why is green tea good for you?
For one, those who drink green tea often love the taste, so it is not hardship to drink this. However, green tea is considered good for you for several reasons. For example, green tea has been shown to help lower the risk of some cancers in several studies that have been done. In addition, it has been shown to help with brain function helping you to focus, and with long term use, it has been shown to help in preventing the brain aging disease Alzheimer's disease.
For those who suffer with bad breath, green tea is also shown to help in reducing bad breath from the bacteria that is found in the mouth. Overall, there have been several studies done on green tea, and they have even found that it can help you to live longer. That alone is enough of a reason why green tea is good for you to have in your diet.
While there are several good things that come from green tea, probably most people are more concerned with how green tea can help you to lose weight. Does green tea help you lose weight? It seems that many studies support this type of reaction from green tea. Green tea has been shown to reduce body fat, especially in the abdominal area. Those who were studied with green tea were found to lose more weight, have a lower waist circumference, and have a lower bad fat percentage than those who were not using green tea.
Green tea has been shown to help boost the metabolic rate as well. It has been shown to increase calories burned by 4% when compared to not using green tea. Plus, with the amount of caffeine in this substance, it has been shown to help get a person through the day, which is one of the reasons why you can then get through the workout.
Ultimately, for those who are trying to lose weight, green tea could be a great way to do this.
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