Did you know that your lifestyle can affect your health? It most certainly can!
Many women find weight loss a challenge after menopause. Considering the hormone changes (including a drop in estrogen), slower metabolism…
If you are in your 50’s, you may be wondering how to stay fit and healthy after 50. After all, it is a time when it is natural for adults to…
We all hear that sleep is important, but you may be asking yourself ‘what exactly is the importance of sleep?’ Quality sleep is a pillar of…
If you are introvert, you probably have experienced those times where ‘can I learn how to stop being an introvert?’ has been a question that…
If you are a perfectionist, you have probably wondered how to stop being a perfectionist at one point or another. While perfectionism can…
Amidst the ‘self care’ and wellness buzz you have most likely seen recommendations for ‘deep breathing’ and you may have thought to yourself…
If you are fighting off a cold or looking for overall immune system support, you might be wondering ‘what are the best vitamins to boost…
You have probably heard of the ‘freshman fifteen’ or heard college students talking about their increasing caffeine intake, and you are…
Are you wondering ‘how do I overcome laziness?’ Laziness only fuels more laziness. To overcome laziness, you have to break the cycle and…
You have surely heard about the ‘power of positive thinking’ and you may be wondering how to reach a positive thinking mindset. There are…
Throughout all the wellness tips out there, you have probably heard that you can burn calories without working out and you are probably…
You have surely heard people talking about how difficult it is to be healthy during the holiday season, and especially if your health is a…
Have you ever been spending time and nature and felt a shift in something... intangible? Having gratitude for nature and the earth that…
Everyone makes mistakes. Making mistakes is just a part of being human and a part of life. But forgiving yourself for past mistakes is…
You have probably heard the classic line of drinking 8 glasses of water a day, but you may be wondering ‘why is it important to stay…