Losing weight is not always easy. It’s crucial for you to eat a balanced healthy diet to lose weight and follow healthy eating tips. How…
The squat is undoubtedly an exercise which should form part of your regular workout plan. After all, it is a compound exercise, or in other…
Long gone are the days when the word meditation conjured up images of shaven-headed monks in orange robes and isolated temples high up on…
Whatever the motivation, you want to get toned fast – but what’s the best program to follow to guarantee you get the results you’re looking for?
Sometimes it can seem like the fitness world is divided into two opposing camps: those of you who like to jump straight out of bed and into…
The term superfood has become so common that you probably can’t remember a time when you weren’t bombarded with food labels claiming to…
Fasting – or going without food, usually for a day – is touted by many as a miracle cure, offering an endless list of health benefits from…
If the sound of a push pull workout conjures up images of playing tug o’ war at sports days and kid’s parties, then you’re not alone. Read…
Are you stuck in a cycle of good intentions followed by disappointment when you can’t keep to your weight loss program? Perhaps you’ve drawn…
You are probably familiar with the recommendation to walk 10000 steps a day. It’s a great goal. In fact, it’s a SMART goal: Specific…
You’ve been sticking to your diet plan to the letter but when you get on the scales the numbers seem to be all over the place. It’s easy to…
The spinning bike trend is here to stay. Let’s take a closer look at some pros and cons of using a spinning bike.
Let's take a look at the origins of the poke bowl, its typical ingredients and how many calories you can expect to find in your favorite salmon or tuna poke bowl.
Cali-what? Sounding more like something you might study at college than sweat over in a gym, calisthenics has actually been a hot buzz word…
Do you find yourself blaming your living arrangements for making it impossible for you to exercise? Perhaps your nearest gym is just too far…