A healthy life encompasses more than just a workout and what your diet is. Health also refers to your mental health.
You have probably heard the classic line of drinking 8 glasses of water a day, but you may be wondering ‘why is it important to stay…
You have probably heard people talking about gratitude journals or seen one around, and you may be wondering ‘are there any health benefits…
The cucumber diet is a short-term weight loss diet that claims you can lose up to 15 pounds in 7-14 days. Read more!
You have probably heard about the aerial yoga practice where you are suspended in the air and thought to yourself, ‘what is aerial yoga and…
If you are working hard to lose weight and looking for new ways to boost your progress, you may be wondering ‘can a sauna help you lose…
While pregnant, there are many shoulds and shouldn'ts out there, and you may be wondering ‘what about hydration?’ and ‘how much water should…
If you want to keep your brain sharp, you can get creative with fun ways to keep your mind challenged and improve your memory. The earlier…
You have surely heard how important it is to strengthen your abdominals and stabilize your pelvis after you have a baby. The standard…
Do you want to lower inflammation in your body and wonder what foods are anti-inflammatory? Stress, diet, inadequate physical activity…
Do you love to travel or need a little convincing to ‘just book that trip already’? There are countless benefits of travelling, but each of…
‘is this too good to be true?!’. In this article we will talk about what you should know about acai bowl calories. The primary ingredient is…
Do you love snacks and want to know which options you can go for that are satisfying, low-calorie and fill you up? If you have recently had…
Have you seen or heard about the debate of negative calorie foods and wondered ‘what are negative calorie foods’ or even ‘do negative…
When you go on holiday, do you crave adventure and exploring? If so, you may be wondering what some activity holidays are that you can…
Have you been wondering how to age well? In today’s society, aging gracefully is a commonly sought and talked about goal. Rather than fear…